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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Breaking News: Shooting in St. Joseph, Officer Dead

St. Joseph, Missouri-A shooting rampage killed a police officer and the gunman, and injured three others near 22nd and Frederick Streets yesterday.

A police officer responding to the scene was killed when bullets hit his window seven times, striking him in the back of the head and killing him. Officer Bradley Thomas Arn, 28, became the first officer to die on duty since 1991.

The identification of the gunman has not yet been determined.

Another officer, whose name is not yet released, shot and killed the gunman moments later. Roger Liberty of St. Joseph witnessed the gunman being shot, and stated that he was seconds away from shooting the man himself with his own deer rifle. “My kids are behind the door, and I’ve got to think about them,” Liberty said.

According to Officer Connors, there is an investigation going on with this shooting, and with the officer who shot the gunman, although he said that investigating an officer is typical for any shooting. “They did a good job,” Connors stated on behalf of the officers, “They did what they’re supposed to do.”

An eyewitness who was driving by the scene saw the fatal shot at Officer Arn. “I saw the officer fall to the left. He must have hit the accelerator because his car lurched forward and hit a boat in the parking lot,” said George MacFeat.

The gunman also hit MacFeat’s car, as the passenger side window of the car was shattered and MacFeat’s head was cut by the glass.

The motives of the gunman are unknown at this time according to police. “I don’t think he cared about what was in front of his gun,” stated Officer Connors.

While the shooting was a shock, some see it as a sign of the times. “This is the world we live in now, even in St. Joes,” said Roger Liberty.

A press conference will be held tomorrow at 10 a.m.

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